
non flowering parts

Non flowering plants  ❋Plants that can not produce flowers are known as non flowering plants. ❋they are divided into two groups,                                       1.non flowering seedless plant                                       2.non flowering seed plant Non flowering seedless plant Plants that do not produce flowers and seeds called as non flowering seedless plant. Examples- Marchantiya, Pogonatum, Sellaginella N o n flowering seed plants They are known as Gymnosperm. The seed of these plants are not covered by a fruit. Examples- Cycas, Pinus                                            

flowering plants

  Floweri ng plants ⚘  Flowering plants that produce flowers, fruits and seeds .Every flowering plant starts life as a seed. These reproduce sexually through the process called pollination. The flower is the reproductive part of a plant. As a result seeds produced by flower. and seeds are covered by a fruit. Therefore they are termed covered seed plants or Angiosperms. Flowering plants can be classified into two groups according to the number of cotyledons in the plant.   1 . Monocotyledonae plants - single cotyledon in the seed.                                                     2.   Dicotyledonae plant s - two cotyledons in the seed                                      

plant diversity

  Plant Diversity The kingdom plantae has huge varietal diversity . Plants possess  chlorophyll pigments so they appear in green color. And they can absorb sunlight and produce food by photosynthesis. Plants reproduce sexually and asexually. Do all plants produce flowers?      NO, The plants can be divided into two groups as given below ,                                            1.Flowering plants -Plants that produce flowers. (Angiospermae)                                              e.g- Rose, Jasmine                             2.Non flowering plants - ✱Plants that do not produce flowers, seeds or fruits.                                       ✱ They include the cryptogams and gymnosperms.                                                       ✱  However gymnosperms are a seed bearing group of plant                                                       e.g-   Cycas, Salvinia,