pollination and fertilization


Pollination and Fertilization

Both pollination and fertilization occur in sexual reproduction in plants. These can see in all bisexual flowers. and both male and female gametes are involved.

IN  angiosperms, pollination is defined as the placement or transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma of same flower or another flower. depending on the pollen landing pollination can be classified into two types
                      1.self pollination- pollen transfer  from anther to the stigma of same flower.
                      2.cross pollination- pollen transfer from anther to the stigma of different flower of same                                                          plant.

✻Fertilization is process of sexual reproduction, which occur after pollination and germination.
Fertilization can be divided into four stages,
                                                     1.sperm preparation
                                                     2. sperm and egg recognition and binding
                                                     3. sperm-egg fusion
                                                     4. fusion of sperm and egg pronuclei and activation of zygote.



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