asexual reproduction of plants

 Asexual reproduction of plants

The reproduction that does not involve the fusion of male and female gametes and produces individuals that are genetically identical to the parent is known as Asexual reproduction.

 examples of Asexual Reproduction in plants,

❇ fragmentation, 
❇ vegetative propagation,
  spore formation 

Types Of Asexual Reproduction In Plants

  • Naturally
  • Artificially
artificially reproduction-In asexual reproduction, part of the parent plant is used to generate a new plant. Grafting, layering, and micropropagation are some methods used for artificial asexual reproduction. The new plant is genetically identical to the parent plant.


naturally reproduction-include self-propagation
1.Plants such as ginger, onion, dahlia, potato, grow from the buds
2.In sweet potato, new plants can grow from the adventitious buds or stolons.


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